Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Totally unnecessary!

Last night we were all in the car on our way home from a Rockies game (the Bee's first...he was more into the peanuts, cotton candy & four-year old boy in the seat in front of him than he was the game...oh well, I was more into talking to the woman next to me about her adoption from Nepal and can't say that I watched so much as five minutes of the game, so I can't really say much, can I?), and I told M that I'd recently lost five pounds. Not that I have a whole lot to lose, but I've had an excess 6-7 pounds hanging around since the Bee was born that I just can't seem to shake. So anyway, the Bee overhears part of this from the backseat, and pipes up with his oft-repeated "What did you say Mommy?"

Me: "I was telling Daddy I'd lost five pounds."

Bee: "But what does that mean?"

Me: "Well, you know how you're 31.5? That's 31.5 pounds. It's what you weigh." [Bee is very into weighing himself, and wants to get on the scale nearly every day. Fortunately, he's not worried by the fact that he hasn't gained an ounce since his three-year check-up in January. Can't say the same for me...] "I was telling Daddy I've lost five pounds."

Bee: "Oh. So how much do you weigh now?"

Me: "130.5." [Yep, I've just announced my weight to the world. Yippee freakin' skippy.]

Bee: "Whooooooooaaa!!!!"

M: [while laughing uncontrollably] "You've gotta put THAT in your blog!"

Totally unnecessary.

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