Friday, November 14, 2008

Toxic Bloggers

There are a few bloggers out there who are just plain crazy, and I can't seem to stay away. It's like a traffic accident -- you can't help but look, even though you know you're not going to see anything good. These are people who post crazy articles from right-wing and second-tier news sources or videos from YouTube, and draw half-baked conclusions about how they prove that Obama and/or liberals in general are bad news. Many of them profess to be Christians, but have decidedly uncharitable and highly judgmental attitudes toward anyone who disagrees with them.

And it's not just that I can't stop looking; I can't stop arguing with them either. I feel obligated. I feel obligated to defend not only myself and my views, but to defend Obama, who I truly believe is an honorable man and will be a great president. I can't stand to see lies and half-truths broadcast as fact, and it's a knee-jerk response for me to do the research to prove why it's wrong. So I leave comments. Which drags it all on. I heard from one today who called me "bitter." She pointed to my post-election entry, and said it was bitter. I find that perplexing, because I was full of joy and hope when I wrote it, and when I go back and read it now, I recall those feelings. How could a "bitter" post make me feel that way? Do you read that post as bitter?

So here's my new vow: I'm going to ignore them. They can stew in their own bitterness and go even crazier. We won and they lost, and they just can't take it. The realization that they are actually a minority, that they had an artificial sensation of being a majority for the past eight years, is sinking in, and they don't like it. Time will tell who's right. In the meantime, I wash my hands of the toxic bloggers.


Snowflowers Mum said...


Verlyn said...

Are we related? I feel exactly the same way. I greatly admire Obama and can't understand why everyone doesn't see him the way I see him. And I have to force myself to be quiet in my church groups and with other friends and relatives when they voice their fears about liberals, Obama, Pelosi, etc...
I shudder to think what a mess we would be in if McCain/Palin would have won.

insanemommy said...

J, oh that was great! I am trying desperately to understand what and why the republicans fear Barack bama? Barack symbolizes hope for our country that we haven't had in a very long time. No election in our time has generated the kind of support and excitement that Barack Obama has. People from around the world are excited. People here in the US are excited. We are expecting over 2 million people i Washington. Wow. That is so exciting to me. Is that so bad? Could he possibly be the glue that brings ourcountry back together? I believe he can. I hope he can.

Snowflowers Mum said...

oh, did someone go 'rogue'?

damn Mavericks!

Anonymous said...

Some are kind of stinky too!

lisa said...

Fortunately for me, my trainwreck addiction set me free by closing her blog. She was a judgmental liberal, which I actually find much harder to stay away from. I can avoid many of the blogs that come from a completely different ideology, but I feel the need to argue with people who somewhat share my perspective but are intolerant of any variance from their positions. I guess because I think I can have a reasonable discussion with them, but their righteousness is just as strong as any other. ~lmc

Yoli said...

The best thing to do is not give these people any credence. They want a back and forth just to argue how right they are and how wrong they are.

I love your sugar gummies at the end of your posts. Adorable.

Cavatica said...

Losing is hard. Losing and being bored is worse. Now they have to skulk around the internet and find "evidence" that Obama is evil and his supporters are nuts. Let them pray for me.

Mamacita said...

Oh Dear Lord, please hear my prayer....make them paranoid Lord, and bequeath upon them the shovels with which the bunkers of solitude can be dug, and I pray that you bestow upon them the rightousness of canned goods and a can opener so that they may rest in peace and QUIET for at least four years, and Lord, if it be Thy will, four more after. Please Lord, do us all a solid. Amen.