Yesterday was a near-perfect day -- 70 degrees, sunny, and no wind. It was also a free day at the botanic gardens, so Z and I went while B was in preschool. Apparently every other mom in the city had the same idea, because it was a stroller traffic jam by 10am. Fortunately, we arrived at 9am when they opened, and were hightailing it out the front gates as the mayhem ensued. Here are some pictures of the lovely Z at the gardens:

After preschool, both kids rode their bikes on the driveway. It was Z's first try. She wore B's old helmet, which was a little big and kept tipping down over her eyes. Believe it or not, that didn't slow her down a bit. She rode her little motorcycle all the way to the end of the driveway, by herself, twice. B rode in circles around her while she did this. Fortunately, there were no crashes and no injuries to report.

B got ahold of the camera again last night, and he and his daddy took a self-portrait:

Have you ever visited If not, you should drop by sometime. It's pretty funny. I don't need to visit a website though; I'm living it. I took the cats in for their shots last weekend, and they both hate me now. Lulu actually hisses at me; Kitten just avoids me. Lulu also took a chunk out of the back of my calf yesterday. She claimed it was an accident, but I don't believe it. Maybe she was just getting even for the lion Halloween costume we put on her last year:

We're early morning zoo people too...and the cat thing...never again, we have one dog, there's four 'females' in our house now, any more attitude and I fear Mike would disappear!
I LOVE the botanical gardens. What's blooming this time of year? I can't wait to go.
Nice spring pics! The warm weather sure helps me feel happier.
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