Yesterday we went to the park to feed the ducks. It was me, B, Z in her stroller, and my friend Laurieann. Apparently word got around really fast that we were there with food, and the geese came over and chased off the ducks. The geese started getting rather aggressive, and we actually got scared. We started to run -- me pushing Z in the stroller, holding onto the bag of bread, my purse, and the camera, and Laurieann (who I should mention is four months pregnant and was wearing high heels) carrying B. We were laughing so hard it was actually a real challenge to get away, a challenge compounded by one particularly persistent and fast goose. I kept turning around & trying to snap his picture before he got close enough to bite me. This is the only one that really turned out. Notice his blurry feet -- that vicious monster is running right at me!

Thank goodness we all managed to escape without being bitten.
Too funny - we were just talking about this the other day at our park. My mom was attacked by a swan when she was a toddler and pecked on top of her head, and was permanently traumatized by it, so I think of that every time I see those geese. I do sometimes feed them crackers when I'm out running, however.
Didn't you get bitten on the butt as a kid in VA when you were staying with Boo? Sounds to me like you have a very real fear of geese. Why, Ms. Linguist, isn't the plural of goose, "goose?" Or, better yet, why isn't the plural of moose, "meese?"
The finger, E, I got bitten on the FINGER by a goose. And yes, I am afraid. Geese are mean!
Actually, I prefer to say two "meese." It feels more natural than two "moose." I figure if I keep saying it that way, maybe I can bring it back.
And did you know that once upon a time, the plural of house was hice?
Finger...butt...whatever. ;)
I like to say meese, too. However, I prefer mouses to mice.
Oh, to be chased by a goose! Every spring I blog about Ozzie and Harriet, a goose couple where I work. They just hatched their chicks. Geese are nuts.
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