Hiking is one of my absolute favorite things to do, and it makes me so happy that one of my favorite people, my B, is beginning to like hiking too. The two of us took a quick one-mile hike yesterday evening. We ran a lot, climbed on rocks, waved sticks around, threw rocks in a stream, and picked apart seed pods. It was divine. Now I just need to get him to move faster than a mile an hour, so we can do some "real" hiking. Maybe by next summer.

And when we got back home, M had made dinner for us all! He even did the dishes afterward. I definitely married the right guy, didn't I?
On Saturday morning, we went to a birthday party for B's friend Brooke. She is one of the few girls he will admit to liking. It was fun, and B can't think of anything better than cake in the morning.
The hat in the hiking pictures was a favor from this party. I told him he looked like a Jayhawk with that hat on, and he rolled his eyes at me and told me Jayhawks don't have orange tongues. I asked him how he knew that, and when he'd seen a Jayhawk's tongue, and got a big sigh and some four year-old sass in return.
Today, we had my parents, my grandfather, and my brother and his family over. Today was my dad's birthday, and my mom's was 10 days ago. She was out of town for her birthday, so we celebrated it today too. With more cake, of course. Wow, what a weekend for B -- two cakes!

And I'll leave you with this picture of Kenai, who has the mistaken belief that he is a lap dog. He was aiming for B's lap here, but the smart B got out of the way just before that 95 pound hunk of puppy love landed in his 35 pound lap. We still don't know what Kenai is, by the way. The test results should be here any day, and you'll know as soon as I do. The votes seem to favor lab + greyhound so far, and several neighbors who know him agree. He's certainly lazy like a greyhound.

1 comment:
I have always loved 'hiking' and often wished that there were places around here where you could do it... I have never really 'hiked' persay... though on small ones on my own... no one really wants to do it... I love to go on little adventures... take care
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