First off, I'm so glad my "What is Kenai?" post got more comments than the lice post. It bothered me that my grossest post of all time was apparently the most popular.
Second, a word about lurkers. Hi! A couple people calling themselves "long-time lurkers" signed in to leave comments last week. I love that! And I think that sentiment is universally true of most "mommy bloggers" and those of us in the adoption community. We like to hear from you. And really, it's the best way to feel like you're a part of the community. If you comment on someone's blog, chances are good that they will then visit your blog, as will others who see your comment. I've made some wonderful friends online, which was something I didn't expect at all when I started blogging almost a year ago. So speak up! As long as you're nice (and all my readers are), you're welcome here and we like hearing what you have to say.
Third, and I really should have put this first, ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!

KU rolled right over North Carolina on Saturday night like they weren't even there. Take that, Roy Williams! We'll teach you to be a traitor! The national championship is tonight, Kansas vs. Memphis, 7pm MDT on CBS. Don't miss it. You can be sure I'll be glued to the TV, wishing I was there.
I'm a big dork and didn't take any pictures this weekend. Sorry. It was mostly uneventful. The highpoint for me was getting to spend Sunday morning with B. I've been really missing the time I used to spend with him alone on B-Mommy Super Fun Days (aka Fridays). I don't think we've gotten to do anything fun with just the two of us since before we went to China. But this Sunday, B and I went to the park. We played on the playground, walked around the lake, threw rocks in the water, picked up cattails, played hide-n-seek (his giggles give him away the instant I say "ready or not, here I come"), played on the playground some more, played hide-n-seek on the playground, invited a new friend to play hide-n-seek on the playground with us, and then got donuts on the way home. It was awesome. He's such a sweet, affectionate, fun kid to be around, and I totally enjoyed our morning.
I think it was good for him too. He needed a little undivided Mommy attention. It's hard learning to be a big brother, and seeing your baby sister get attention from your parents. His struggle with it has been coming out at bedtime, with him doing a lot of screaming and crying, pulling every trick he's got out of his hat to get us back into his room, and has ended up with him claiming to be afraid of his room. Last night at bedtime, we looked under the bed together, and in both of his closets. We pushed his bookshelves up right next to his bed so the "scary side" of the bed had a solid side rather than a scary dark crack between the bed and the shelves. We also left his lamp on until after he went to sleep. It worked beautifully at bedtime -- he went right to sleep without any hissies -- but he still woke me up three times during the night to tell me he was scared. We'll have to refine our strategy tonight to find a way to end that.
I'm sometimes afraid of my room at night, too.
I really miss the Jayhawks. As a former KC resident, I'm rooting them on. It is a beautiful part of the country and I don't get to visit as often as I'd like.
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