Saturday, December 13, 2008

Playing with the new camera

We don't have a clue how to use it yet, other than pointing and shooting. Don't know how to use the new software either. But we're having fun messing with it, and I'll buy the "Canon Rebel for Dummies" next time I'm at a bookstore. I even had to call Canon tech support to get the software loaded -- that's how bad it is. Oh yeah, and since our computer is from the stone ages (you have to pedal to keep it running), it takes forEVER to upload photos to Blogger. I'm hoping we'll find the $$ to buy a new computer sometime soon.


Cavatica said...

Awesome eyes all around, but seeing the orangey-brown set in the black fur was starting. Great pics!

Anonymous said...

I love the camera but could use that book! Those are sweet pics.

Mamacita said...

So far so good! I like those shots. I especially like the bunny ears!

insanemommy said...

Well, you have great subject matter! :) They are cute J.....


Snowflowers Mum said...

I need the book as well, and some lessons!

Pics look good though!