Monday, December 8, 2008

Lots of wind and not much else

I have never seen a place deader on a Sunday afternoon than Oklahoma City. I went out for a walk and ran into the colleague I'd traveled with. We stood out in the middle of one of the main streets in downtown OKC having a conversation for several minutes, and nary a car came by. I'd gone for a walk to the "trendy" part of town, hoping to find a coffeeshop. Turns out there are no coffeeshops in the trendy part of town, and there was NOBODY around. It was positively eerie. I can see how that part of town might come alive on a Friday night and be kind of fun, but Sunday afternoon was not the time to be there. I think what I needed was a friend in town to show me where the fun was. The hotel was very nice though, and the work part of the trip went well. One trip down, one to go. Next stop, Atlanta.


Anonymous said...

have safe travels. Weird that the town is dead.

Doug and Cheryl said...

OKC is not a "fun" city. Never really liked it. Tulsa has a trendy part with coffee shops and such.

Snowflowers Mum said...

I felt the same way when I ended up in Kansas City 15 years ago...I mean why is it even on the map?!

insanemommy said...

I'll show you Atlanta! Lived there for a number of years and inside the beltway! Great restaurants in Buckhead and Midtown. Easily found via Buckhead Cab.