Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A marriage inside-out

There's a couple that I pass on my way to work many mornings. I think they're Indian (just guessing based on how they're dressed). I see them taking a morning walk in a shady part of east Denver as I zoom by in my car. The reason I always notice them is that the woman always walks 20 feet or so behind the man. They're clearly just out for a stroll -- the man always has his hands clasped behind his back, and they walk slowly. The woman, dressed in a sari, follows along behind, looking at her feet.

It always makes me wonder: what is that marriage like at home? Is this formality just a show for public consumption, or do these roles carry on behind closed doors too? Are they affectionate, or is it just a business relationship? Do they have pet names, or are they Mr. and Mrs. to each other? What must it be like to be a woman in the sort of marriage I imagine it to be?

But my biggest question is: can you really judge ANYTHING about their marriage, or anyone else's, based on what you see during a morning walk down a public street? Maybe they kid around with each other all the time at home, and hold hands when no one's looking.

It just makes me go hmmmmm, that's all.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I think the same thing about stuff like that... hence why I try to not judge people... had a great time in CO and will be adding a little something in the next few days...

Anonymous said...

I am always curious about the private lives of others. There are some people who look so cool on the outside. And others who do not.