Sunday, August 31, 2008

Abi di-di

This is what Z's been saying all day. Abi (pronounced "ah-bee") used to mean open, but now seems to have morphed into something like "Hey grown-up, do this thing for me that I can't do by myself." And as far as we can tell, "di-di" means "this." So for instance, today she handed me one of B's water wings and said "abi di-di," meaning she wanted me to put it on her arm. And she handed a book to M and said "abi di-di," meaning "read this to me."

Also new this weekend: milk, book, and blanket. With all three, she saw what she wanted, pointed at it, and said the word. You could've knocked me over with a feather! I think the language thing is about to take off. Go, baby go! Life will get a lot easier for us when this little girl can tell us what she wants instead of screaming, shrieking or whining until we figure it out. Or maybe it'll get harder -- she's a very headstrong child and has some very definite ideas about what she wants. Let's just go with the "easier" theory -- makes me feel better.


Mutha Mae said...

We've been hearing, "duh den" when she wants something opened. It's a nice start!

Anonymous said...

I like the weird words they come up with. "Ah-Boo" seems to be Zubin around our house