Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blogcation and the stalker

I'm too busy to get sucked any further into this nastiness. My family is leaving for a vacation in the morning, and it will be SWEET for this MAMA to get away. I doubt I'll be able to post while I'm gone, but I will if I can find the time and access to a computer. It's probably a good time to step away from the computer anyway. Someone is not being very nice, and I honestly don't have anything more to say to her.

She certainly is interested in me and my family though. Four log-ins over an hour and a half period, 89 minutes worth of time on my blog, and 38 page views. Perhaps it's time to go PWP. Note that I have not posted her blog URL, so she won't get a lot of hostile traffic coming from my three loyal readers, and that she's using an old user ID for a journal she hasn't kept up for more than two years to post her comments. Is that really any different than posting anonymously?


Anonymous said...

We could always stalk the stalker.

Have a lovely trip.

anne and mike said...

Have a great trip, enjoy your family, and don't forget, if you go PWP send us the PW!!
All the best,
Anne and Mike

lisa said...

Ai yi yi-I came over to check on you because of the fire out your way-didn't realize the real inferno was on your blog. Have a great vacation! And I do remember "Grace"-not worth the brainpower. ~lmc

Lost and Found said...

Send us hip peeps the PW. Don't give stalker person any thought.

Special K said...

Have a wonderful trip and don't let the turkeys get you down.