Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hurts so good

I had the third session with Russ, my personal trainer, today. The first one was a week ago Tuesday. I was in such bad shape after it that I could barely walk on Thursday and Friday last week. Seriously. I'd be hobbling along and my knees would give out. I couldn't sit down without groaning and clutching the back of the chair for support.

This Tuesday, we met again and did an upper body workout. My arms were sore yesterday, especially my left tricep (I have "issues" with my right arm, so my left arm did double-duty apparently). Well, compared to today, yesterday was a cakewalk. I was in such bad shape today that I couldn't hold my phone up to my left ear with my left hand. My arm simply wasn't working that way today. I was, however, able to lift a margarita from the table to my mouth at dinner, I'm happy to report.

Today's workout with Russ was lower body & abs. I'm a little worried that I'll wake up tomorrow morning with my abs & legs hurting really bad and my arms still hurting as bad as they were today. Will I be bedridden? Will B have to bring me breakfast in bed? Uh-oh. He doesn't even know how to pour a bowl of cereal. Who will help him put on his shoes? Who will help ME put on MY shoes?!

Russ has turned me loose to work out on my own for a couple of weeks, until I feel like I need some help again. When we start working out together again, he's going to be focusing on core strength. Sounds painful already. But maybe I'll have a killer six-pack by next summer. It'll look awesome with my fish belly white skin. Hot.

1 comment:

4D said...

It is gonna be worth the pain when you are all built and buff and able to kick ass!

Keep smilin!