Tuesday, June 19, 2007

But does it taste like feet?

I ran into the liquor store w/the Bee in tow yesterday to get some beer & wine. I was looking at the wine in the cooler, when this conversation transpired:

Bee: "I want to get this one Mommy!"
Mommy: "But I don't really like that kind" (not a chardonnay drinker) "so I'm going to get this kind."
B: "But does this one smell like feet?"
M: "No, it's not that bad! I just don't like that kind."
B: "But does it taste like feet?"

The the little lightbulb went on in my head. The kind he had wanted me to get was some Barefoot Vineyards or something, and had a drawing of a foot on the label. Of course it must either smell or taste like feet. Smart Bee!

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