Monday, October 13, 2008

The Muslim argument

The whole argument that you shouldn't trust or vote for Obama "because he's a Muslim" embarrasses me. It makes me ashamed of the ignorance and hatred of my countrymen. When I hear Democrats make the counter-argument "No he's not! He's a Christian!" it makes me cringe. The appropriate response to the statement "I won't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim" is "So what if he's a Muslim?"

Know what people? This kind of ignorance is the very thing that makes the radical, hateful nutjobs like Osama bin Laden and his followers hate us. Many of the people in Al Qaeda are poor, uneducated, unworldly men. Most never travel outside their hometown, much less outside their country or to Europe or the U.S. before they join Al Qaeda. All they know about America is what they're told by people like bin Laden, and what they may see on their satellite TV. And when they see people like the woman described below, well, no wonder they hate us.

I saw this clip on CNN this morning and it made me feel physically ill. At a McCain rally last week, an older woman told McCain she didn't trust Obama because "I have read about him and he's an Arab." Uh, hello? First of all, "Arab" does not equal "Muslim." "Arab" is an ethnicity. It refers to people who are from the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and just off the coast, Bahrain) and speak Arabic. Barack Obama is an American (if you must talk about ethnicity, he's half-Caucasian and half-African American, but again, who cares?), and he speaks English. Someone please find this woman and take away her voter registration card!

A lot of talking heads are calling McCain's response honorable. I beg to differ. Here's what he said "No ma'am, no ma'am. He's a decent family man ... that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues." OK, it was honorable to defend Obama instead of using it as an opportunity to stoke the fires of anger and hate (ask yourself: what would Palin have done in this situation? hmmmm...). But his response implies that "Arab" and "decent family man" are mutually exclusive. What a horrible thing to say.

This exchange is playing all over the world now. I saw it on BBC this afternoon. I am SO EMBARRASSED. First, it makes Americans look like ignorant fools, not to mention racists. But even more importantly, it makes one of the two men who want to be president look like an ignorant racist.

Now let's talk about what makes someone a Muslim. I am not a Muslim, nor do I claim to be an expert on Islam. However, I like to read about the Middle East, I enjoy learning about religions, and I have picked up a bit here and there about Islam that contradicts the common knowledge as held by many Americans. Contrary to what some idiots in this country seem to think, Islam has nothing to do with turbans, beards or machine guns. There are five pillars to Islam:
1. Declaration of faith -- you have to say you believe in God
2. Prayer -- five times a day
3. Charity -- people have a responsibility to care for the less fortunate
4. Fasting during Ramadan (a month meant for practicing patience, sacrifice and humility, and for extending forgiveness)
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca

Some of these sound a little familiar, don't they? Take this into consideration too: family is central to the Muslim faith. Education and travel are encouraged and highly valued. Muslims believe in Jesus. What?! Yep. They consider him one of the prophets of Muhammed, they believe he is in heaven, and they believe there will be a second coming.

In short, Islam bears many similarities to Christianity and Judaism. It is a peaceful, family-centric religion that values education and charity. Human life is sacred, and violence is abhorred. The people who attacked our country on September 11 were not Muslims. They claimed to be, but they did not practice the tenets of that faith. Many Muslims around the world have spoken out against the September 11 attacks, and against violence in general. There are ignorant morons in the Muslim world too though, and unfortunately they are the people who too often end up on U.S. TV, burning flags and shouting "death to America." They are not the majority. Osama bin Laden is a Muslim in the same way that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. Both believe perverted versions of their religion, views that are not shared by the majority.

So, for the record, here's what I think about this stupid argument: Obama is not a Muslim. But if he were, why would it matter?


Snowflowers Mum said...

NO. It wouldnt matter. and you are 100% right on all of the above.

My question was when that woman said at the rally(which by the way was in MN just down the road from where I am raising my ethnic minority children) "he's an Arab" it was the opportunity of McCains political career to stand up and not mumble about the fact that he wasnt an Arab, but to say exactly what you just said. But...he he will fade out of the limelight and miss the one opportunity he had to make a brilliant stand for humanity.

This does not bode well for those of us who are raising children from an ethnic minority...

I will not stand back and let this continue without voicing my disdain.

Bravo J. Bravo.

Verlyn said...

Amen, Sister! Say it again!

I had an incident this weekend when I received an email from a "Christian" friend containing all this untrue garbage about Obama - that he is a Muslim terrorist; he hates America and wants to destroy it, etc., etc. When I wrote her back and asked her not to send me any more emails like that because I support Obama/Biden, she sent me more hateful material. And then she added the phrase "God bless." I have had this same experience with several other Christian friends. I am also a Christian, but that doesn't mean I swallow the "conservative" party line - without doing some research and study. Another thing my conservative friends complain about is that Obama supports abortion. McCain has been in the Senate for 26 years; what has he done to reverse Roe v. Wade? I will respect anyone's opinion if it is based on arguments that are true, but all that I'm hearing from my "conservative" Christian friends and the Republican commentators on radio/tv is the stories about Obama that are complete lies and distortions.
I too was dismayed by McCain's response to the "he's an Arab" statement. He and Palin have been inciting the people at his campaigns (they yell 'kill him' and McCain/Palin just laugh) and it's a gross example of hate-mongering. I am an Independent who voted for Bush in the last two elections (and see where that got us), but now am a proud supporter of Mr. Obama and is wonderful, classy, intelligent wife.

Anonymous said...

So, so shouldn't matter, but it does. My husband works in the poorest county in our state, and the comments he has heard there have both sickened him and buoyed his spirits.

But the ugly stuff? Definitely more prevalent.

Anonymous said...

It scares me that ignorance can win this election.

That preacher that spoke before McCain's rally yesterday chapped my hide. He referred to "their god" and "our god." Piece of shit!

Melanie said...

So eloquently stated. You and Snowflowers Mum should be on the next presidential ticket - you get my vote.

insanemommy said...

Finally. A room full of smart, educated women. Oh, thank you "snowflower" for pointing me in the right direction. Ladies I applaud all of you for having the passion to stand up to the ignorant idiots who call themselves christians. I have never been more frustrated in my life with what is transpiring in our country over this election. It sickens every fiber in my body. John McCain and Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves for the lies they are delving out regarding Barak Obama. He is the best hope this country has seen in a long time...... p.s. SugarmamaJ, I hope you don't mind me stopping by....