B & I came thiiiiiiis close to going to an Obama rally today. There was one in Denver, but I thought it would be too big (and it was -- over 100,000 people!), so we went to a later one up north. The rally we tried to go to had between 45,000 and 50,000 people at it. That means that about 5% of the population of Colorado attended an Obama rally today -- amazing! We got there two hours before it began, and had to walk half an hour just to get to the end of the line! Then we stood in line for almost two hours, hoping that there would be lots of other speakers before Obama so that we could get there in time. Just as we approached the area where the rally was happening, a giant tsunami of people came toward us -- it had just ended. So close! I was pretty bummed, but at least B & I had a good time. Yes, believe it or not, standing in line was fun. There were lots of people with lots of positive energy around us, and about a dozen kids whose parents were in line near us that B played with the whole time. And it was a beautiful Colorado autumn afternoon.
Hey. I'm just happy that Todd Palin came to our local diner last week.
Seriously, the highlight of my week was first, my niece in town and then, I got my Obama signs on Friday. Lina helped me put them up and used her Chinese symbals and chanted an Obama song.
I know, I need to get a life!
Didn't you come away from there totally energized! So uplifting to be around so many people who can see that Barack is our hope for the future. I only hope the next eight days do not move at a snails pace. I am so hopeful for this election. I'm sorry you did not get to see and hear Barack. In person that is. He is so unbelievable. Cool. Compassionate. Sincere. He gets it. Soon....
That sounds huge! It is nice to be a part of something so big, but there is a limit.
Obama ROCKS!
Honestly, we haven't had a Presidential candidate let alone a President who has united the people like this for a LONG TIME!
Good for Denver!
Hoping for a Landslide.
side note: watched the 2007 Documentary qbout Obama goes to Africa...it was really wonderful! So glad he is speaking out about AIDS!
That's too bad you didn't get to hear him! I stood in a mile-long line at UMD when he came here to speak during the primaries. We did finally get in about an hour after getting in line and it was so worth it! Obama is amazing and such an inspirational speaker!!!
I would absolutely love to meet him and would even settle to hear him speak in person - but I'm not good about standing in lines. My son-in-law is on the police force in the city of FC and was very involved with the security there this past Sunday - a huge job. I thanked him for keeping My President-to-be safe - but he's a Republican so to him it was just a job.
In today's paper I read about the assassination plot against Obama - if that ever happens, the McCain hatemongering engine has to bear the responsibility!
BTW, I live in the Denver area also and love it that Colorado is going BLUE!
What an amazing experience to go to an Obama rally... I am all for him... this world (not so much country) needs a change... there were TO many people living high on the hog... time to go back to the grassroots of things... easier said then done... would love it if he got in...
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