But the part of this woman's post that really chaps my hide is this: she says that people who support Obama are racists, and that we're supporting him only because he's black. How dare she! If she wants to make a logical, intelligent argument about why McCain's tax policy or education plan are better than Obama's, I'll listen, and I'll respect her opinion (although I'll disagree with it). But to base her vote on one issue (abortion) and ignore the things that really matter, then throw in this facile hand-over-the-heart argument, then call white support for a black candidate nothing more than "reverse racism," well, that's stupid, and it's just plain racist. Not to mention insulting.
I don't support Obama because he's black, but hell yeah, it matters. I think it's incredibly important that America might elect a black president. Know why? Because it will mean that FINALLY, racists like this woman are a minority in our country. It would be better if they weren't here at all (or at the very least weren't allowed to vote), but the fact that their ignorance can now be drowned out by a non-racist majority will be something to celebrate indeed.
BTW, does that mean this guy is a racist too? Because I hear he's an Obama supporter:

(Thanks Hayley -- I borrowed the picture from you!)
Can you tell I'm started to get mad? Really, really mad? Presidential elections always do this to me, but this year, my blood pressure is through the roof. I wish Election Day were tomorrow, because I'm not sure I can take two more weeks of this crap.
She's a clueless turd. Even McCain's campaign would be horrified at her RACIST, uneducated comments. Ridiculous!
I could kiss Colin Powell right on the mouth right now!
Oh, and I don't put my hand over my heart during the national anthem. That is not "required." You are supposed to put your hand over your heart when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It is, afterall, a pledge.
share your calms forte with me please, I downed an entire bottle yesterday;-)
This is starting to be less than humorous....the insular mentality, the piety blanketed in Christianity.
I feel the bile rising once again.
Roll on election day.
oh...and I just cannot wait to hear all the whining when Obama wins...I hear the Republicans are already winding themselves up over how they will play the poor cheated 'pro-Americans'
well boo-fucking-hoo
this election will be won because the Republicans have gone Fundamentalist and intelligent people can't stomach that!
tired of one topic voting....if people could pull their heads out of the sand they would see it is so much more than that.
Unfortunately this is what it has gone down to in this election. It is about religion and abortion. Very few care about the problems and are looking for sensible solutions. I am glad that you and Hayley bring it up on your blogs. I feel like I am talking to myself when I try to explain it to those who only see this race in those contents.
I couldn't agree more! The people who support McCain because of his anti-abortion stand should ask themselves: In the 26 years that McCain has been in Washington, what has he done to reverse Roe v. Wade? Not One Thing!!!!! I have also received the emails about Obama not having his hand over his heart and also not wearing a flag pin in his lapel. Consider this: When McCain gave his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention, he did not wear a flag pin in his lapel, and he has not worn a flag pin in any of the debates. Obama wore a flag pin at his acceptance speech and in every debate. But do we hear any of that from our conservative friends? I loved Colin Powell's remarks yesterday, and did you notice he said the same thing you said: "and even if Obama would be a Muslim (which he isn't) why should that stop him from being president?" I have conservative friends who would not have voted for Mitt Romney because he is Mormon, regardless of the fact that he is a successful businessman and public servant. If you want to see the true McCain, go to www.youtube.com, in the search box enter "McCain rage" or "McCain swearing". There are videos of him repeatedly using the f-word to a female reporter who is asking simple questions. Evidently that is OK with the conservatives???
The hand on the heart thing: at the Bejing Olympics, several of the U.S. athletes did not put their hands over their heart when the national anthem was played; did that lessen their accomplishments? I don't think so. Why is it so hard for some people to realize who is the better candidate when most of the major newspapers have endorsed Obama and well-respected people like Colin Powell and Warren Buffet have endorsed him. My head hurts from all the mud that's being thrown by McPalin's crowd.
I wanted to add as a mother of minority children I support Barack Obama for them. He is the best shot we have of hope.
Ugh! I am always aghast when I hear people just spouting what they hear on Fox News. They sound like robots - it really scares me that so much of the electorate doesn't even have a clue (and doesn't seem to want one) about either candidate. Sigh...if McCain wins, it'll say a lot about the American electorate and it won't be good.
yeah...the 'low information voter' is back on my blog...when will she give up...now she is comparing Communism with Socialism?!
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