Well, the first official B-Z-Mommy Super-Fun Day was OK, but not exactly a resounding success. Z wasn't feeling well. Nothing serious -- just a bad cold & a little fever, but enough to make her grouchy. We baked our cookies, and here is the aftermath:

That crummy little slice of countertop is ALL the counter space I have in my kitchen. I hate my kitchen. I wish we could do something about it, but money isn't exactly just hanging around waiting to be spent these days.
Z still doesn't have much taste for vegetables, so I've been tricking her. I hide pureed vegetables in her food. Today's treat: Annie's mac-n-cheese with pureed carrot. Deeeeeeeelicious.

B at 6 months -- note the family resemblance

You! More carrots! NOW!!
We went to Grandma & Bumpa's for lunch on Sunday. My brother and his family were smitten with Little Z, of course. And B was absolutely delighted to see them. They play hard together. Z added two new words to her vocabulary while we were there: dog and Bumpa. This morning she was petting our cat Lulu, and said "Dog, dog!" While her pronunciation is excellent, I think we need to work on comprehension. They are both black, so a little confusion is understandable. But Lulu weighs 12 pounds, and Kenai is more like 95.
We learned a hard lesson on Sunday: no matter how well sweet Z is behaving, resist the temptation to leave an hour late, assuming she will take a late nap in the car during the hour-long drive home. We ended up with 10 minutes of napping and about 50 of fussing. There are few things less pleasant than being trapped in a car with a fussy baby and a cranky four year-old. Nap time is sacred; never mess with it.
Hey, I'd call "dog" good enough for now. The cat can deal.
I love B's bones T-shirt!
Cute, the similar carrot pics!
I could rival you on the crappy kitchen contest. Mine is what I call a 'cooking closet'.
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