Both kids are in training this week. B is practicing hard for Easter, using painted wooden blocks as eggs. His dad hides them, and he finds them and puts them in his basket.

Z is working hard at walking again. You may remember she started walking on her own while we were in China, then lost interest after we came home. Well, she's back at it, and doing better than ever. Today she was sitting in my lap on the floor, and before I even knew what was happening, she stood up and walked off. Fortunately I caught up to her before she tipped over.
I am training to be a more patient parent. Z has been having some major sleep issues this past week. It's odd, since she slept very well for a week before that. This week though, there's been a lot of screaming. A lot. And today it continued throughout the morning. Good times, good good times.
I may need to invest in some earplugs for when I'm in the car, because that little girl has developed a serious aversion to the carseat, and the only way to stop her screaming is to take her out of the seat. Obviously, there are places we have to go, and she cannot ride without the seat. What to do? Wearing earplugs is the only solution that comes to mind, but I guess that only helps me, not Z. Back to the drawing board.
I feel for you! Ethan has had some sleep issues as well, and has been fighting a pretty bad cold too. My pediatrician said to expect his "extinguished" behaviors to flare back up once in a while as he adjusts to being home. Whatever - I need my sleep!!! :) Hang in there!
Alana was absolutely terrible about the car seat. In fact once my sister pulled over on the side of the road and made me come get her because she wouldn't stop screaming hysterically and trying to climb out. One other time I caught Alana climbing out of the car seat on I-25, hmm... I was only going about 70mph, amazing how fast I could pull over. My suggestion is to reward her with short trips and lots of praise. Stickers have worked wonders for Alana.
Good luck with the car seat battle!
Second, I am terrible. I have been really sick, dealing with work and school and so tired! I really want to come by and visit. How does Friday afternoon, early evening sound?
Chin up... (yeah, easier said then done I know)... take care and have a great Easter...
Good luck on the sleep thing. I am going to be in for a rude awakening (well in about 2 years, sigh...).
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