Ahhhh, it's good to be home. We got in late Friday afternoon, after a grueling 28 hours door-to-door. Nobody got a lot of sleep on the trip. Z put in about four hours in two separate naps between Hong Kong and San Francisco, then all three of us passed out between San Francisco and Denver. Even without sleep, the trip went pretty well. We had bulkhead seats on the long-haul flight, so Z was able to get down on the floor and play. I don't know how we would've survived it otherwise! She was a great little traveler.
We were met at the airport by B, my parents, my aunt Carolyn, my aunt Carol & uncle Chuck, and my cousin's daughter Sophie. B & Sophie had a great time waiting for us, judging by the pictures. They all came home with us, and some friends and neighbors came over too. It's a good thing we had a house full of people until the kids' bedtime, because I don't know how I would've made it without all of them helping me stay awake!

It was so, so good to see B. He looked huge! He had a haircut right before we got back, and I swear it made him look a year older. He feels like he weighs a ton now, after carrying little Z around for two weeks. How was I carrying that kid around before this?!

If I look a little tired in these pictures, well, that's because I was. Am, I mean. Jet lag is a killer. Z isn't sleeping as well as she was in China, so neither M nor I is getting caught up. We're hoping that changes as she settles in. Please.
B is thrilled to finally be a big brother. He's doing a great job of it too. He is so gentle with Z, and tries to hold her and help her do things. We weren't able to cut her fingernails in China, so they'd gotten pretty long and sharp. Last night, I sat both kids in my lap and cut B's nails while Z watched. Before I'd even finished doing one hand, Z was sticking hers out and fussing. I cut all her nails without so much as a peep! B was very proud that he taught his sister that having her nails cut wasn't scary.

Next week is a big one, with two doctor's appointments for Z. Cross your fingers for her that all the news is good. I think it will be -- she seems very healthy.

Welcome home! That first week home is tough, I know-but congratulations!!!! And sleep!
Btw, I took S to Kaiser, if you need any recs. ~lisa
Welcome home! I'm sure it feels good to be back on US soil. Take it easy and all will go well in the next few weeks.
Good to see you home! Sounds like your trip went well - Ethan was a terror during our trip, so we definitely had our hands full. He is also having trouble making the switch from China time to here, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that Z does better for you!
she is darling! I'm so glad your flight went okay...I am dreading ours! We are taking calms forte AND rescue remedy!!! Lets hope it works!
YEAH!! Welcome home and here's to health and happiness for your family!
Your family looks so beautiful! We are glad you are back.
Welcome home, jet lag mama! I loved folowing your trip journal. So glad everything is going well with Z and B.
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