Halloween excitement is in full-swing here. A couple nights ago, B and his dad made cookies with the Halloween cookie cutters B's Nana sent. They underestimated how much the cookies would spread during cooking when they arranged them on the pan, so they came out looking like one giant cookie blob. Actually, they're ghosts, pumpkins and bats. And they're delicious.

Yesterday afternoon, M's work had a Halloween parade for the kids. They all dressed up in their costumes & trick-or-treated around the office. I never saw so much candy. He's got more candy in his pumpkin already than he'll get tonight. I have a feeling a significant portion of it is going to mysteriously disappear when he's not looking. I wouldn't be surprised if it reappeared right back at M's office. Wouldn't that be something?
After the big parade, we came home and carved the smallest of the three pumpkins. We'll do the other two tonight. They're pretty big, and we grew them ourselves in the backyard. B's Nana also sent him a pumpkin carving knife (one that he can't actually stab anyone with, or use to cut off his own fingers), so B did quite a bit of carving himself.

B's other grandma sent some Dairy Queen gift certificates, enough so that B can take all three of us out for ice cream. He's very excited to go get a "banana splat." Heh.
Check back later tonight for Halloween II, when the costume will finally be unveiled.
1 comment:
Good times at the ranch! I never had Halloween parades as a kid...sound fun!
Keep smilin!
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