One of B's classmates announced at lunch today that she was a vegetarian. B's response: "I'm a meatararian." Later at home, he added that he's also a fruititarian and a cheesatarian. That's our B.
A tidbit of adoption news that I forgot to post last week: I was at CCAI last Monday to drop off our I-171H re-file paperwork and met briefly with P from the Waiting Child Program while I was there. She looked at our paperwork before she came in to talk to me, and said that we can reasonably expect to get our referral off the next list. The next list is due any day now, and they will likely begin making matches in November. I was initially pretty excited about this, but I'm back to my cynical "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude now that ten days have gone by. And the list hasn't come yet, by the way.
Parting shot -- another oldie-but-goodie picture (around 6-7 months here):

Super cute, Little Foodatarian.
I am a Chocolatatarian!
Cutie pie!
Keep smilin!
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