A random list of signs that B is evolving from a caveman/toddler into an actual human:
Today when I was putting B in his carseat after school, he kicked me in the head (the evolution story is coming, I promise). I said ouch, he said sorry, and I thought that was that. Then a few minutes later, he asked me if I knew what "checking on somebody" meant. I said "Yeah, it means asking or looking to make sure someone's OK." Then he said, "Mommy, are you OK?" I was touched--he was still thinking about the kicking incident! I told him I was. The next question floored me. "What can I do to help you feel better?" Whoa. What happened to my three year-old? I told him just saying he was sorry he kicked me and not doing it again would be enough to make me feel better. Can it be that the stuff they're teaching him at school is actually sinking in?!
Today he brought home this artwork from school:

I had no idea he'd matched up the numerals and counting like this, or that he could draw such nice pumpkins and apples! This new preschool class rocks.
Last night B had his first soccer class. He's been super-pumped about taking soccer. He occasionally wears the shinguards around the house:

These pictures may create the false impression that he grasped the concept of dribbling. Actually, it's all about kicking the ball as far as he can for B.

Last but not least, a gratuitous cute B picture, just for the grandparents (I know you're visiting! You should leave a comment...):

PS - M has an idea for a post he thinks would be cute & funny. I'm trying to convince him to do a guest blog. Help me lobby for this -- leave him an encouraging comment. He's very funny, I promise.
What a sweetie!
Keep smilin!
C'mon M!! This blog is pretty one-sided...just kidding J!
-J's little opinionated sister
you can do it
and we'll all behave over there
or else mama J come kick our butts
I wanna see the guest blog by M! Go... go... go!
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