Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've been hearing about these "TEA Parties" all day today, and I am disgusted and frankly rather pissed off. TEA is supposed to stand for "Taxed Enough Already." Whatever. This is pure-t greed. Thanks to Shrub, the idiots these people worship haven't been paying their fair share for the past eight years. I'm talking about the Rush Limbaughs, the Bill O'Reillys. [Most of the yahoos who are participating in a TEA Party today don't realize that their own taxes didn't get cut by Bush, and may have even gone up. But they don't know that, because they don't bother to scrape off the propaganda to get at the reality underneath.] 

Those days are over. Thankfully we finally have a leader who understands what fundamental American values are, and has the guts to stand up and demand change. Part of that change is demanding that everyone help pay for it. 

What are you people protesting anyway? Do you oppose affordable health care? Do you oppose education? Do you prefer our roads and bridges crumbling as opposed to safe? I imagine you think all the people who've lost their homes and jobs thanks to the Bush administration's refusal to exercise appropriate oversight on the financial industry DESERVED IT. Right?

Know what I think? I think these TEA Parties and demands for "revolution" are un-American, unpatriotic and undemocratic. That's right, I said undemocratic.  We are a nation of laws, and we have a democratic process that you can utilize if you disagree with the policy choices our leaders are making.  I think the right-wingnuts are sore losers. For eight years you told us "Elections have consequences." Well, it doesn't feel so good when those consequences don't go the way you want, does it?

Go home you crybabies. Pay your damn taxes. Oh, and when you get a tax cut from Obama (because almost all of you will), send it back. Don't take the improved health care that will be available soon, and make sure you keep paying too much for it like you do now while the rest of us pay less. Make your kids enlist & look forward to their emails home from Iraq. THAT is how you stand on your beliefs, not by standing in a park and holding a stupid sign saying "Revolution." Ass****s.

I am MAD as hell again.

1 comment:

Snowflowers Mum said...

I have a post...I have yet to push the 'post' button....but I

How about these people take a walk over to one of their local VA hospitals and tell the residents that they dont support taking care of them after they fought in the name of this country...

Once again, ignorance masked with piousness.

They need a damn good teabagging!