Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two more points on the term "china doll"

1. You can't say that you use "china doll" affectionately and make it OK. That's like using the N-word and saying it was OK because you were just kidding. We aren't black, so we don't get to decide whether the N-word is hurtful or not. Only those to whom it is applied can make that decision. And this lame defense completely ducks my second and more fundamental point, that calling ANY child (Asian, black, white, purple, striped, whatever) a china doll is objectifying. You can call it political correctness, but I call it thoughtfulness. A thoughtful parent chooses words that build the child up, not knock her down.

2. I can't believe I have to point this out, but making fun of oneself (e.g., by using a double-entendre like "sugarmama" for your blog name) is fundamentally different than making fun of someone else, and really not even comparable to using an insulting and belittling word to describe a young child.


Anonymous said...

well if you want to put it that way, then i am highly offended that you are a women who is objectifying herself by calling one a sugar mama. im sorry that we dont live in the 80's anymore but im sure to the majority of the people out there the first thought of a sugar mamma is that of the intended meaning.

you are offended by china doll, im offended by sugar mamma.

J said...

Ummm, I'm not calling you or anyone else anything. Like I said, making fun of oneself is something entirely different than doing it to someone else.

Anonymous said...

also, how about we leave it to an Asian person to decide what is offensive and what isnt?

J said...

I believe many Asian women have expressed quite clearly how they feel about this term.

Anonymous said...

either way this is probably the most ridiculous thing and illogical reasoning ive ever heard about anything.

happy blogging

Jen & Bill said...

China doll is an offensive term. Google China doll and prostitution.
See what you get.

Sorry J that this person is being absolutely ridiculous....

Anonymous said...

China Doll- a Western STEREOTYPE of the submissive Asian woman.

where does it say prostitute?

oh sorry i guess your definition of china doll comes from the grateful dead song.