Thursday, August 30, 2007

7 Ps

Mamacita tagged me for this a couple days ago. I'm a little slow on the uptake, but here goes:

Potato, as in sweet potato, my favorite nickname for the B.

Please let our daughter be on the list our agency received yesterday.

Pretty, which I'm sure she'll be.

Pukey, the way I feel today after drinking maybe one too many glasses of wine last night with my old high school buddy Morgan. really WAS just like old times.

Playing hooky, what I'm doing from work today (see above).

Purple, my favorite color.

Pantywaist, a weird name I've heard men call each other and never really understood. Or is it spelled "pantywaste?" I still don't get it. Anyway, I ran out of relevant P words, and that's what popped into my head. Take it or leave it.


"M2" said...

here here on the pukey after wine.
I'm working on this one.
Glad to see the cute Brit's P's are making it around. :)

Mamacita said...

Panty waste. I think it comes from "panties are wasted on you because you like dudes" kind of insult. Basically calling someone Gay, I guess. Thanks for playing!