Monday, October 5, 2009

Inquiring minds want to know

B has been asking me some heavy questions lately. "If the first person on Earth was a baby, how did it get here without a mommy and daddy? Or if a mommy or daddy was first, didn't they have to be a baby before they were grown up? So then how did they get here?"

We talked a little bit about God, what different people and religions think about God and how people got to be on Earth. And we talked a little bit about evolution. But he's curious. And smart. Scary smart.

I think it's time to start taking B to church. Seeing as how I'm such a dirty hippie, it's going to have to be the Unitarian Church. Here is the description of our local UU church's Sunday school program for kindergarteners & first-graders:
"A Discovering Year nurtures children’s spiritual and religious growth through connections to their ever-widening environment. They explore selves, friendships, families, church, nature, and religious and cultural days. Through ritual, sharing times, quiet times, crafts, activities, singing and music, games and movement, stories and talks, they learn to appreciate the worth of each person, to work and play cooperatively, to express feelings, to celebrate human diversity, and to feel part of their UU community."
I hope this will help B start searching for answers to his Big Questions. It will also help me feel part of a community I'll enjoy, since I can go to services while he's in Sunday school. I just hope the church doesn't spontaneously burst into flame when I set foot inside...


Mamacita said...

I ADORE dirty hippies.

Momom said...

Lol! I have been wanting to start taking Miss L there too since she is starting to ask many of the same questions as B. With all the pet deaths she has already experienced, it is not at all surprising that she wants to know "what comes next".