The more time goes by, the better B & Z get along with one another. I'm not saying it's perfect -- they are still brother & sister and spats are inevitable -- but they play together much more than they did a year ago, and there are way fewer instances of sibling abuse. B is no longer looking for opportunities to get rid of her, and actually seems to like her most of the time. Z thinks B hung the moon.
I do have to disclose, however, that just about half an hour ago, Z somehow managed to bite B on the chest in the middle of what seemed like a happy game of ring-around-the-rosies. She bit him hard, so hard that it broke the skin. I hope this doesn't lead to antibiotics...Oh yeah, and see that little scab on Z's chin in the photo? That's where B scratched her.
So no, it's not perfect, but they are doing so much better than they were. Anyway, perfection would be boring, wouldn't it?
True sibling getting along won't happen until they are over 21, if ever. I get along really well with my siblings but we still have spats occasionally, though thankfully they are no longer violent ones.
they wouldn't be normal without those bites and scratches, right? my brother and i were so close but wow, we could FIGHT sometimes!
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