Three things B has done this weekend that have blown me away:
1. He figured out how to swim. All four of us went to the pool yesterday, and after years of swimming lessons and a gradually shrinking fear of the water, B is now fearless, and he can swim.
2. He gets multiplication and fractions! This morning, he asked me how long it was until Halloween. I said about two and a half months. It took him all of three seconds to say "So that's ten weeks then?" You could've knocked me over with a feather!
3. He summitted our backyard mountain. He's been taking walks and mini-hikes on it for years, but today, he went all the way to the top with me. I am thrilled that B likes to hike and is developing the stamina for some real hiking, because it's one of my favorite things to do, and of course I'd love to do it with one of my favorite people on earth!
Upcoming amazing feat by B: Kindergarten, starting Wednesday!
Growing and changing so fast. It is exciting and scary at the same time.
Have fun on the first day. I'm betting the tears for you are goign to flow big.
rock star- awesome :O)
Good Luck at Kindergarten B!
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