But back to the play date...Little miss Q has really blossomed since I saw her last (Christmas-ish, I think). She wasn't shy at all. She was so curious and friendly, and was signing furiously. That girl is going to be talking up a storm in no time! She was very disappointed that she wasn't able to play with the many balls in our backyard (stupid rain). She was also quite interested in the stairs, and did a little practicing going up and down. All of the things Maia says about her are true -- she is smart, beautiful, charming and fearless.
Z did her best to share her toys, but being a two year-old, wasn't entirely successful. B, however, was so kind, gentle, and solicitous with QiuQiu. He showed her new toys, how to do things, and made sure she had plenty to eat. It was really touching to see. Now if only he could demonstrate that kind of behavior with his own sister, instead of hatching plot after plot to get rid of her by whatever means necessary...
Here are the very few pictures of our day -- a couple of the kids at the park before the rain started, and a couple of QiuQiu:

Great photos! I love those two of Ellie at the park. We'll really have to try again once the weather settles down. I posted a few photos as well, but thanks to my inappropriately large zoom lens and the tight spaces, mine aren't nearly as good.
btw, where did all those ROCKS come from that wound up at the intersection top of your hill after that rain? Did they roll down from the mountain, or out of someone's landscaping? That was A LOT of water!
oh how I covet a playdate with you...uh, I mean the kids.
We need to move to Denver...except I kinda like Minneapolis, but Denver is tempting...velly velly tempting.
especially since you are there.
we'd just have to make sure our boys don't go all brokeback mountain-biker on us because they'd be in them hills ALL THE TIME!
Just saw this on Maia's blog and it looked like fun!
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