I may not be as talented with the camera, but trust me, my kids are just as charming as hers.
This is what they're like first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, the photos accurately represent the attitudes. B can't help it though -- it's genetic. He got it from me.
Unlike either Mike or I, QQ wakes up like a combination between a ray of sunshine and a bolt of lightening in the morning. She is instantly wreathed in smiles, cuddles, giggles and laughter. She is also instantly in motion, like a shot out of a loaded gun. It's all we can do to keep up with her while infusing ourselves with coffee.
Wake her from a nap before she's ready, however, and look out! That'll earn you a scowl, quite possibly a crying jag (though brief) and even sometimes a smack. But I can hardly blame her - if someone woke me from a nap, I'd probably slap them too.
Teehee! I like the header.
Unlike either Mike or I, QQ wakes up like a combination between a ray of sunshine and a bolt of lightening in the morning. She is instantly wreathed in smiles, cuddles, giggles and laughter. She is also instantly in motion, like a shot out of a loaded gun. It's all we can do to keep up with her while infusing ourselves with coffee.
Wake her from a nap before she's ready, however, and look out! That'll earn you a scowl, quite possibly a crying jag (though brief) and even sometimes a smack. But I can hardly blame her - if someone woke me from a nap, I'd probably slap them too.
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