A good way to while away an hour on a hot summer morning:

Playing in the sprinkler in our backyard:

This is how Z sleeps:

And this is how she wakes up:

Dog pile!

Dressing up:

B and I go to Heritage Square, a puny and ratty little amusement park that's just about perfect if you're four:

B pouts, and Z throws a fit:

Because he loves me:

And one little story about love: B and I went for an evening hike last week to check out the burned part of the mountain. As always, we ran down the trail to get back to the car (B loves a trail run, and so do I!). Somehow (maybe the margarita I had at dinner?), I tripped and fell HARD when we were almost back to the car. I was pretty banged up -- bruises and scrapes -- and at first was afraid I'd dislocated my elbow again. I was also fairly shaken up. As soon as we got home, B ran downstairs to tell his dad about it. While I sat down on the couch to recover, B ran upstairs, pushed a kitchen chair over to the cupboard, got a cup, filled it with water, and very carefully brought it downstairs to me. As he was coming down the stairs, he said, "Mommy, I'm bringing you this to help you feel better. Know why I picked the pink cup with the hearts on it? Because I love you." You know what? I did feel better.
ALL good pics. The Hulk made me laugh out loud. Very cute.
What gorgeous photos they are...
Those pictures crack me up. Especially the ones in the costumes.
I love the picture of Z sleeping...what is it with the one-sock? I always find my kid in the morning wearing one sock.
Love the bedhead too.
And the elmo suit is pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Awe, B is the sweetest! Glad you're feeling better and weren't too banged up! Bing-Bing looks like Z when sleeping.
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