Monday, August 25, 2008

I don't get it

With the DNC in town this week, I can't help but get a little political. Here's the thing I don't get: why are all those Hillary supporters bitter? Sure, the primary was very close, but she lost and he won. What is there to be bitter about?

Is it that they wanted a woman to be the candidate? Me too, but it has to be the right woman. Believe me, I will fall down on my knees and cry the day a woman enters the White House as president. It's something I never used to think would happen in my lifetime, but I now do. I honestly don't believe that her losing had anything to do with her gender. She's just not the person the majority of the country's Democrats (myself included) are looking for right now. We want a breath of fresh air, someone who inspires us and makes us want to believe in ourselves again. Clinton, whether it's right or fair or not, carries too much baggage from her and her husband's past to be that person. She is too much a part of the machine. I know many people didn't see her that way at all; I'm just telling you how I saw her.

Is it that she is somehow entitled to the nomination because of the fact that her name is Clinton and what that means in today's Democratic party? I don't buy that for a second. That would make us just like the Rs, handing out favors to the privileged few.

Or do these people somehow think Obama stole the nomination, that the primaries were rigged, that the nomination is rightfully Clinton's? C'mon now. That's just plain silly.

But the one thing I REALLY don't get is this: how can anyone who calls him or herself a Democrat, liberal, progressive, or whatever you label you want to put on those of us who hold those sorts of views, vote for McCain? That's just sour grapes. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face, as my mom would say. And I apologize in advance here for being blunt and unkind, but it's also stupid. You can't seriously tell me that having a particular individual in the White House is more important than the welfare of our country, can you? I can't believe that anyone who is a true supporter of Hillary Clinton would cast a vote for John McCain. That doesn't make any sense.

If anyone reading is one of those so-called "bitter" Hillary supporters I keep hearing about, please tell me what it's all about. I ask in all seriousness. I want to understand.


lisa said...

Well, I'm a disillusioned John Edwards supporter ; ) Never thought Hillary was the right person-but wouldn't be surprised if Chelsea is the first woman president 20 years from now.
Obama's populist appeal, compared to his position statements, makes me think of Clinton's first campaign (and Wellstone's, which I worked on)-and it does make me nervous. Also, some of his relationships in Chicago politics concern me. I would certainly never vote for McCain, but I am thinking of working harder to change this 2 party monied system that cuts out Mr. Smith. ~lmc

J said...

Me too Lisa! I loved Edwards and was so disappointed when it came out that he couldn't keep his pants zipped. And with a sick wife at home too. "Disillusioned" is a good word for it.

Mamacita said...

Here. Here.

I think a lot of democrats may also be closet racists. There's MY blunt opinion.

A breath of fresh air is EXACTLY what we need but every day I fear the worst. When I hear the uneducated masses spouting garbage about him being Muslim or calling him "Osama" instead of Obama....I really lose hope.

My only tiny consollation is that at least it won't be a Bush.

Snowflowers Mum said...

Jen...I was going to write my own little ditty on this one two...I'm confused, hearing people say they were H supporters but will vote for McCain! I've only just started hearing that and think some of it is in reaction to so many republicans saying they will vote know, perhaps it's spin?

I do think there is some closet racism, even in the democratic party, and there are WILD rumors about Obama, but I think he's the right person, hell anyone going in after Bush has his work cut out for him, but with Biden along for the ride...I think it's a good team.

McCain should get Moses on the ticket to make him look younger, and to balance out the 'multiple homes' issue...after all a dude who spends a lifetime livin in the Desert(and not Palm Springs) has got to get the sympathy vote(and quite possibly the Jewish vote too!?)

I never thought H was right for the job, too bitter, too angry, we need fresh.