At 1:30 this morning, we woke up to the pitter-patter of little kitty feet frantically running around our bedroom, accompanied by the sound of paper fluttering. Just as I exclaimed "What the f*** is going on in here?!" the racket quickly moved down the stairs -- thumpety thumpety thump thump thump -- and soon went quiet. I went back to sleep.
A few minutes later, the pitter-patter-paper-rattling noise came tearing back up the stairs and across our bedroom. There was a chorus of "F*cking cats" "What the f*ck?" and various other f*ck-laden expletives. I opened my eyes and saw Kitten silhouetted in the window across the room. I could just barely make out the paper necklace B had made for me at school, in the general area of her tail.
I got out of bed, crept up to Kitten, and stealthily grabbed her by the scruff of her neck (she's a notorious 'fraidy cat and would have run away if I'd given her a split-second to think about it). She was shivering with fear and panting a little (a little high-strung, shall we say?). Somehow, this paper necklace was stuck to her tail with a piece of scotch tape. I think Lulu probably did it. That just strikes me as the kind of evil prank her tiny little cat brain would think up. I can just see her little black paws holding onto the tape dispenser, her teeth sinking into the tape to rip it off the roll. And then there's the fact that she never budged from the bed in the midst of all this chaos. Only a guilty cat could remain that calm.
I removed the paper necklace and scotch tape, and we all slept soundly for the rest of the night.
Damn cats.

My countdown clock: 25 days to Zhi Yi
We kick our cats out every night or they will grab ass and yowl at each other...not something you want to hear in the middle of the night!
Are you sure the Bee was asleep at 1:30?
I didn't sleep worth a crap last night
why???????? pain in the ass Pete kept pawing my door to get in
all. night. long.
he likes to sleep on my face
and being 20 plus pounds I can't have it.
damn cat
Our Nicky yowls. I can't believe this doesn't bother Snowflake when she's asleep. I was terrified about this before we got her. Cats are mad. Why do we love them so? We must be mad.
I need that laugh-sorry to laugh at you but that was so funny!
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