Meet Moo - we always figured she was a lab/border collie mix. Her favorite pasttimes include snoozing on the bay window and chasing the horses (BAAAAAD MOO!). She's gotten kicked multiple times - the most recent time had us taking her to the vet for x-rays of her right front leg. Thankfully nothing was broken but she did damage her tendon. You'd think she learned something...she was under house-arrest for about a month after that kick, yet the first day she was allowed out, what do you think she did??? Yep....dumb dog tried to chase the horses.
Anyhow, the real point of this post is twofold - one is to introduce myself as J's guest blogger for when she's in China picking up E. I guess China blocks access to Blogger, so she'll send me, her little sister, the pictures and I'll get to post them. I could have just done a brief intro, but it's much more fun to have something interesting to read, so I thought I'd introduce you to Moo. On to the second point of the post - back in December, I swabbed Moo's cheek and sent that in to Metamorphix, Inc. so we could, once and for all, discover Moo's true Heritage. Well...it turns out that Moo is NOT the lab/border collie mix that we thought she was. Nope. No Lab. No Border Collie. Instead, we found out that she is really and truly a mutt through and through. They say that a significant proportion of Moo is Miniature Pinscher (less than 50%, but still a significant proportion). Huh??? Also in the mix, but only in small amounts, are: Poodle(??), Miniature Schnauzer (???), and German Shepherd. Now, I can kinda see German Shepherd, but Poodle??? She does have curly hairs on her butt, but c'mon really... Maybe they switched her DNA test with another smaller dog's. Moo is 60 pounds - a significant portion of her DNA is made up of dogs that don't generally get over 15 pounds. Sigh....
For some reason, Metamorphix sent me an extra test kit. I told J that I'd give it to her so that she can send in and find out what Kenai is. Anyone wanna take a guess? I believe he must have at least a small amount of Chihuahua in there.
Help! I've been blogjacked!! Just kidding. Hey everyone, meet my little sister. She'll be in charge of things around here while we're in China.
Hmmmmm...I wonder what my Sam is? They told us heeler and corgi - but really could be anything. He looks a little marsupial-ish...I think there might be some fruit bat mixed in there.
YOu know what I was just thinking? How did the Shepherd get in there with the mini-dogs. I mean, just logistically. Was a platform used? And who was the initiator??
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