Wow. She really outdid herself this time. The theme this month was Chinese culture. Apparently, my SP lives near a Chinatown and can get all kinds of fun stuff. She says she bought the traditional silk dresses for her daughter in China, but they made her slippery and hard to hold onto. These are soft cotton instead, and a little stretchy. I've always thought kids are more comfortable in stretchy clothes anyway! And moms too, for that matter. There's also a beautiful little silk vest, and three traditional silk Barbie dresses. They're all lovely, really.

B's mini secret pal sent something for him again this time. It's a coloring book about China. He won't color in it so far -- I think he's afraid of messing it up. He sat on the couch last night and looked at all the pictures, going "Wow! Whoa. Mommy, they have castles in China! I keep seeing a lot of water, Mommy. I think they have water in China!" Yes, I think they probably do B.

You know, I don't usually go in for many of the traditions associated with Chinese adoption. Red threads, ladybugs, sonograms shaped like China -- all that stuff really doesn't do much for me. But I have to say, I love doing the secret pal thing. I get to indulge my terrible shopping habit, and it's really fun to get a mystery package in the mail every month.
Thank you secret pal!
And just for fun, a picture of how we ended our evening last night. Mr. Crankypants lost his marbles and a massive hissy fit ensued.

love the tantrum picture! The clothes are pretty terrific too! I decided not to re-join the SP, thinking I'd be too busy getting ready to go to China. Ha.
Awww I wish I would have done the secret pal thing when we were waiting. What a great idea. I also love the non silky traditional clothing idea. Holding onto Juna in her dresses is difficult with that satiny material. I hesitate to say silk because I'm unsure. It was five dollars... so.... ???? Or maybe that's my Western thinking!!
Poor baby! and he is such a cutie.
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