B & I went to Berry Patch Farms on Friday. It's an all-organic farm about half an hour east of town. You can pick your own for some things, and for others you can buy it in their little store. Two hours of berry-picking and $34 later, here's what we came home with (minus the 3 homemade fruit snacks the B ate in the car):

That's a LOT of berries. I froze half for smoothies. So far, we've had strawberry muffins, raspberry-strawberry shortcake, and raspberry kuchen. And what you see in the picture isn't anywhere near all that we picked -- I'd estimate that the B ate an entire quart of strawberries while we were picking. In fact, I doubt if he put a single berry in a box. They all went straight in the mouth. He ate so many that he peed orange when we came home! It's a true story, I swear.
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