Saturday, November 7, 2009

Next F00d Network star?

Guess who made dinner last Tuesday?  I'll give you a hint:  it wasn't me.  We switched our schedules around a few weeks ago b/c B didn't like before-care, and now I don't get home until 6 or 6:30.  But it wasn't M either.  It was B!  He asked if he could make dinner, and ended up making a plate full of sandwiches.  Some were PB&J, some were PB&H (honey), and some were PB&J&H.  M helped him cut them up, and he served them family-style.  He kept putting pieces on my plate, saying "You HAVE to try this one.  It's delicious!"  He was so proud.  And they were delicious!


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

A boy after my own heart! I love PB&Honey sandwiches. I may have to have one tomorrow. :)
Good for him for being so creative in the kitchen.

Michele said...

Very cute. I can't wait to see what gourmet meal he makes for you next.

kitchu said...

i LOVE sandwich night!

Snowflowers Mum said...

yummo, he & Piper are MADE for each other!

If PB&J were a food group eh!