Yeah yeah, I know. Bad blogger. Christmas was busy, and my job has exploded this month. I've got oodles of pictures piled up that I'll try to get edited & posted one of these days. In the meantime, here are some pictures of Z in action at school:
Can you see the band-aid on her forehead in the one above? She threw herself to the floor in the midst of a hissy fit and hit her head on a door hinge, leaving a large gouge in her forehead. They called me to come get her, and the pediatrician glued it back together for her.

Note the stylin' new specs in this last photo. We got them a couple of weeks ago, and this time it's going much better than it did when we tried a year and a half ago. She kept taking them off and breaking them then, making them more of a liability than anything. This time we got some that are supposed to be unbreakable. They're also very flexible, so I imagine they're more comfy for her. She's doing a great job of keeping them on.
1 comment:
suh-weet glasses! too cute
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