For about three years now, B & I have been on a mission: we want to find the best parks in the area. We've found some pretty good ones (although we still haven't found one that has both good shade & an awesome playground), but the one we went to today has to be in the top 3. It has this huge, man-made rock formation that's riddled with tunnels. The tunnels loop around like a maze, and there are places where you can drop down or climb up to another level of tunnels and holes where you can poke your head outside. At first, B was a little afraid of it -- it didn't help that he kept bonking his head -- but after a break to do some merry-go-rounding with Z, he went back to the tunnels & had a great time.

That's cool!
Those are awesome picutres.
Wish we had a park like that.
We found an awesome park (complete with sculptural surfing waves and a fifteen-foot climbing net) in San Francisco...I'll get around to those photos one of these days.
Cool! Where is it?
Great camera work, by the way!
Very cool! Wish we had something like that here in our city.
Beautiful blog and beautiful children!
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