Not me. Good lord, NO! Are you people nuts?! We are done. D.O.N.E. We are financially, emotionally, and logistically maxed out. No more babies in this house, unless they're just visiting.
No, it's my sister who's pregnant, and she's having TWINS! Her due date is September 11, which also happens to be their daddy's birthday.
So let's take bets on a few things here:
1. Are they fraternal or identical?
2. If you think they're identical, are they boys or girls? If you think they're fraternal, what are their genders?
3. When will they actually be born?
4. How much will they weigh?
Last but not least: let's name them. Ooooh, how about this idea? Offer up names to go with the genders you're guessing, and she'll use the names suggested by whoever comes closest to answering all four of the questions right! Don't be afraid to get creative. (E, you don't have a problem with that, do you? I can't imagine why you would...)
Nope, no problems with that. Just be aware that we have one name picked out for each sex, so no guarantees on picking names from what folks come up with. Have fun! ;)
Sorry dude. You're going to have to toss those two names you've got picked out. Whoever wins my little contest gets naming rights for your babies.
Ummmmm.....I don' think so..... They have to pay big bucks for that. You know, like Invesco Field at Mile High - we're talking BIG money for naming rights.
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