An online friend from out of town, Hayley, has been here in Denver for the past week with her family, and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to get together a group of friends from my online community. It's such a fabulous group of women, and I was positive we'd get along as well in person as we do online. We did. I wish all of them could have come, all 30ish of them and their families. But they're scattered all over the U.S. and Canada. So Hayley and her family came, along with Maia and QiuQiu (Mike had to work), and Christie & her family. Christie doesn't live too far away, but we hadn't managed to get together before this. Hopefully now that she knows our house is right on her way home, she'll stop by more often! It was wonderful to meet all of these women in person, and to spend an evening with a fun bunch of people. Even the kids got along.

3 Asshats: Christie, me, Hayley (Maia had to leave before this picture was taken)

The 3 of us with our kids. From the left: me, B, Hayley's Piper, Lina, Christie, Hayley & Paisley. I don't know where Z ran off to when we took this.

Christie & Lina

Maia & QiuQiu


Hayley's Mike & Paisley

Lovely Lina modeling her Christmas outfit

B & Piper engrossed in the new Star Wars game he got for Christmas
That looks like it was a lot of fun!
Sounds like a fun and great evening, you gals look great!
I can't wait for the day we can manage to get all of us together!
Lina and I look suspicious in that third picture.....thanks again for the wonderful dinner and stimulating convo.
I am so glad you all met up.
I love the relationship between B & P - that's a wonderful picture. And I think Christie and LIna look gorgeous in that picture! Thanks again for always, it was a wonderful time.
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