B had very carefully and precisely painted one stone in the back patio a bright green. M says his knee-jerk reaction was to get mad, but when he saw how proud B was of his work and heard his explanation for why he did it, he couldn't be mad.
Why did he do it? He wanted to make it pretty, like the bowling alley. We occasionally take him bowling at a place where they turn out the overhead lights & turn on colored lights and disco balls and that sort of thing for about 15 minutes out of every hour. B loves it and calls it "the bowling alley that lights up." Apparently he thought our back patio was in need of a little bowling-alley-style beautification.
Sadly for B, his improvement was only temporary. He and M hosed it off (thankfully it was Crayola washable kids' paint, so it was no biggie), and we asked B to please restrict his future painting projects to paper, or at least to ask us before he tries to paint something else.
You do have to admire the kid's creativity and initiative! I wonder what it would have looked like if he'd had a little more time before he was discovered?
Oh, he did such a fine job of it too! Lina would have splattered it everywhere in her attempt to "make it pretty!"
The green brick looks so nice there - although my first reaction would have been more like M's! Blog looks awesome too!
Hello....new blog look! spiffy!
very cool and love the photo of you all!
Rock on...tonights the night baby!
Very pretty! Kids are so funny.
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