B is camping with my parents right now. We took him up into the mountains to meet them yesterday, and we all stayed for dinner. He comes home tomorrow evening. Here are a couple pictures from yesterday, but the best ones are on my mom's camera (ours sucks) and they're not going to be home for two more weeks. You'll have to wait for the good ones. In the meantime:

And a couple pictures from what was probably the last backyard pool day of the year (actually taken a couple weeks ago). Somebody apparently flipped the "fall" switch, b/c it went from hot hot summer to chilly wet fall pretty much overnight, and really hasn't gone back. Odd for Colorado, but it's nice. We like the rain. By "we," I mean my tomatoes and me.

As you can see, Z has no problem with her appetite:

Last but not least, this was the AM crop of tomatoes I picked on Saturday. There was an afternoon harvest of about the same size. Holy tomato, batman. How many of these things can one family eat??? Some are grape tomatoes (mmmm, candy) and some are romas. No celebrities in this batch.

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