I know there's been a request for pictures of the porcelain, but it's all packed up b/c we're leaving for the airport in less than an hour, and I really don't want to unpack it. I'll post pictures eventually, but it may be after we return home.
The downside of buying $200 worth of porcelain: we now have two more bags to carry on, not to mention the squirmy girl.
Next stop was a bookstore. We picked up some baby books that have pictures of numbers, animals, household items, etc., along with labels in Chinese, English and PinYin. This will be good for Z when she takes Chinese classes, and will help me too I'm sure. We also got a little something for B at this store, but I'm not going to tell what it is!

After that, the bus dropped us off at a pedestrian mall. It felt a little bit like a Chinese version of Melrose Avenue in L.A. to me. Loud music coming out of every store, and everything is super-stylish. You want to buy it all until you look a little closer and realize that the quality is cheap even though the prices aren't. All we bought was an adorable little stuffed doll for Z (called a Pucca Happy Love doll) and some hair pretties. I really wanted some of the ponytail holders that have big fluffy pompoms on them. I just love it when I see little girls with two ponytails with those on them. Z will have to grow some more hair before they'll do us any good though. We walked the length of this mall and back. We ran into several people who spoke English and stopped to chat, and also saw several groups of westerners with Chinese babies.
Our last stop (and I'm a little embarrassed to admit this) was McDonald's. M has been craving a hamburger, and I wasn't going to say no to some fries and a Coke. It was just like home. The girl at the counter even spoke English. The two main differences I noticed on the menu were that they had banana pies instead of apple pies, and that you could get a cup of corn instead of fries for a side.
Z: An American Girl:

We walked back to the hotel from there, about a 40 minute walk along some pretty busy streets. We attracted a lot of attention. Lots of grandmas & grandpas stopped us so they could fire questions at us (smile and nod, smile and nod, shrug, smile and nod again) and pat Z's cheeks. These exchanges always ended with lots of smiles and a thumbs-up.
Last night we had a group dinner at the Chinese restaurant in the hotel (they advertise that they have a western restaurant and a Chinese restaurant -- I hate to tell them this, but they really have two Chinese restaurants...). Our guide put us at two tables, one spicy and one not. We sat at the spicy table. It was spicy, but not THAT spicy. No spicier than a good chile relleno. Our guide told us it was "medium spicy," but she waited until after we ate & went somewhere else because she said our dinner wasn't spicy enough for her. Maybe she was just being polite and it wasn't really medium spicy but more like make-the-gringos-think-its-spicy spicy.
A few notes on adorable Z's progress:
- She's a pro at sitting up by herself now.
- She rolls over like she's been doing it all her life.
- She slept through the night last night!! This is a first.
- She likes to have a hand towel over her face when she falls asleep. She'll grab anything she can get her hands on & pull it over her face. It makes me nervous to see her sleeping with a towel over her face, so I always take it away after she's fallen asleep.
- She doesn't use a pacifier (actually, she likes to put the wrong side of it in her mouth -- we've tried to get a picture of this b/c it's very funny, but she always spits it out as soon as we point the camera at her), but she does this funny thing where she pulls her sleeve up over the palm of her hand, then puts the inside of her wrist right up to her mouth & makes sucking sounds. She doesn't actually put it IN her mouth, just right up to it. Then she purses those little lips and makes the cutest little sound. When she does this, it's a sign that she needs a nap.
OK, we have a plane to catch, so that's all for today!
More pictures - Mom and Z on the bus:

Z on the Bus with the Pink Panther:

Wow! I totally am in love with reading your blog! I still wish we'd been on the same timeline!
All your information is PRICELESS to me right now as we get packing!
Love the pics and your details. Keep 'em coming. I can't wait to see the porcelain. Okay, I can wait until you get home and unpack... okay and recover from jetlag. It sounds awesome! Z is a dream.
I really loved your article. Awesome!! picture of your blog was great..
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