We'll be sending this off to China tomorrow:

It contains:
- A letter written in Chinese to the orphanage director, explaining who the heck we are (since the orphanage may not have been notified yet that ZhiYi has been matched to us). Our agency gave us this, since we obviously cannot write a letter in Chinese...
- A picture drawn by B for his baby sister, with a note in Pinyin saying "I love you!"
- Two cameras -- we hope they will take lots of pictures of ZhiYi in the orphanage and give us the cameras when they bring her to us.
- A flannel blanket made by Grandma -- she's working on a second, identical blanket, just in case the orphanage keeps this one.
- An album of photos of us, the grandparents, our house, etc., with all photos labeled in Chinese. I've heard from other families that adopted from this orphanage that they don't get this back when they receive their child, and in fact they wonder if the album was ever even shown to the child, or if it just went into a file somewhere. I hope they show it to her, but I also like to think that if they keep it in her file, it's because they want to have pictures of where and to whom they sent her.
- A warm and fuzzy fleece outfit. We're hoping we'll see her wearing this when (if) we get updated photos through our agency.
- A giraffe lovey toy
- Stickers and wrist rattles, with a note reading in Chinese "For your friends."
- A bag of candies with a label in Chinese reading "For the nannies."
I love that B drew a picture for her.
Lovely care package. The pic from her big brother is the best.
Keep smilin!
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