First of all, the only thing I know most of you want to know about: we haven't heard from CCAI yet. There are conflicting rumors as to whether they're working today or not, so I'm not expecting a call anytime earlier than next week. I'll keep my cellphone on me just in case though.
I'd like to post a bunch of pictures from Thanksgiving, but somehow I forgot to take any, except this one of the dogs:

Poppy got a bag of treats out of his pocket, and before he even got a word out or got it opened, the dogs heard the crinkle of the plastic & gathered round.
I made this yummy yummy cake for Thanksgiving -- it's got two chocolate layers with pumpkin-cream cheese stuff in the middle. We had pumpkin pie too, of course -- Mom brought that. But here's a picture of my first attempt at the cake:

Martha Freakin' Stewart I ain't. Fortunately I had enough of all the ingredients left that I could make an extra layer, and this one went in chunks into a tupperware, and we've been snacking on it ever since. The cake came out delicious (and very attractive after the do-over), but we ate most of it before I could take a picture. Oops.
Last but not least, the dining room. Almost five years we've lived in this house, and we've never had dining room furniture. We have a very spacious dining room, but it's always just had a bunch of leftovers & junk in it. Well, we finally bought dining room furniture last month. Then I decided I needed to paint the room. It had one red wall, which we'd had in our condo and loved, but it just didn't look right here. The rest of the walls were tan, and they didn't go well with the rest of the house. Plus it seemed dark. So I decided to try a green, and paint over the tan with white. I've had a long & tortured history with green paint, and it continues today. Here's the closest I have to a before picture (I forgot to take one until I was almost done priming over the red):

Here's the first green -- it was just a little too bright, even for me.

And here's the green we currently have -- I think it's a little too minty. You can't really tell it in the picture though.

And here it is almost finished:

I haven't painted the white walls yet (they're just primed in the picture, so they'll be a little less harsh than they look here after they're painted). We have a bamboo shade for the window, and I'll paint something for the big long blank wall that's on the left in the picture. Maybe one big canvas, maybe three that hang side-by-side. But we finally have a dining room! I feel so grown up.
The puppy pic is too cute!
The D.R. looks good. Bright and airy.
Keep smilin!
I love your dining room furniture.
Do you paint, as in art? Sounds like you do. What sort?
I was going to say the same thing. I love the furniture. But I'm a red girl, all the way! Don't be mad, but I liked the red with the table runner and the black funiture! Very striking. The green's nice too, I just prefer the red. Not that you've requested my opinion or anything.
We love lots of color too! We just painted over the 1990's merlot color in our dining room to a softer works. Your color is really crisp! I like it a lot!
p.s. CCAI is not working Friday from what I understand.
Maia, I used to paint, but it's been many many years, unless you count the thing I painted for B's room with the letters of his name. I've been wanting to pick it back up & we can't really afford to buy something as big as we need to fill that space, so I guess this is the time to start.
The red was really nice C, but it just didn't look right in the house. Most of the rest of the floor has yellow walls, and it was just too much w/the red too.
The dining room table is from Scandinavian Design, and the chairs are from the Furniture Room. We looked all over for several years, and ended up with exactly what we wanted. It looks black in the picture, but it's actually a very dark brown.
I like it!! :)
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