This spring, someone at M's work gave the Bee a little tiny pumpkin plant. Seriously, the thing was in a little styrofoam cup with like a quarter cup of dirt and two itty bitty leaves. We planted it, then pretty much never did anything to it other than shove it out of the way when we needed to mow the lawn. That sucker must be 30' long now. It's amazing! Here are his four pumpkins:
Pumpkin #1
Not all that impressive (hint: it's right next to his right foot)

Pumpkin #2
Slightly more impressive, eh?

Pumpkin #3
Look at that monster! And it's still got two months to go!

Pumpkin #4
Poor pumpkin #4. We don't know what happened to it. One day it was there, the next it was gone, just a dried up little curl of vine where it once grew. I hope some raccoon family has feasted for a week!

Cool. ARe you going to carve the for Halloween? More importantly, what is the Bee going to be (Bee going to be....funny) for Halloween?
Heck yeah, we'll be carving them for Halloween. And B has grand plans for roasting the seeds too. He doesn't know what he's going to be this year. Last year he was Tigger, the year before it was Elmo, and his first Halloween he was a duck. I'm hoping we can return to a non-branded costume again this year.
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