Mmmmmm. Skirt steak, rubbed with a paste of olive oil, garlic (lots), kosher salt and coarse black pepper, left to marinate for a few hours, then grilled; a homemade white BBQ sauce to dip it in; steamed carrots and broccoli; corn on the cob. A nice cool glass of pinot grigio/a cold beer/a frosty cup of milk (depending on who you ask). Eaten outside, of course, especially since it's at least 15 degrees cooler out there than in our un-air conditioned house (a.k.a. oven). What did you have for dinner?

The Bee likes his corn on the cob:

What Kenai did while we ate (right at this moment, he's locked up in his crate -- he tried to snag leftover steak off the counter, right in front of me!!):

And the Bee joined him after dinner:

The view from our back patio tonight (it's really pretty after dark; not so pretty on the days when Denver has a bad brown cloud):

And on a totally unrelated note: when I got to preschool to pick up the Bee at the end of the day, he was wearing a different shirt & shorts than what I'd sent him in. (I guess they'd put the hose in the sandbox to make a mudpit, and every kid in the class needed a wardrobe change.) They were both inside-out. And his sandals were on the wrong feet. And as I discovered later, when I helped him undress, his underwear was on inside-out. Hmmmm...I wonder if he dressed himself at preschool?!
1 comment:
Mmmmm. Looks good. We had grilled pork chops, dirty rice, corn on the cob and tomato salad.
Bee is cute.
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