Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kindergarten dilemma resolved

Thanks to those who offered words of support or advice to my previous Kindergarten dilemma post. Thanks just for reading it, actually, even if you didn't leave a comment or email me -- it was verrrrry long.

On Tuesday, I visited school #2 from that post, the Montessori charter school. I loved it! I loved the kindergarten teacher I met, and I loved what I saw going on in her classroom. I loved the principal. I loved the school's philosophy. I love Montessori. Can you feel the love?!

Now we just have to get him in. Sibling enrollment ends this Friday, and that's when they'll know how many spots they have for new students. If they have more applicants than they have spots, they'll do a lottery. We should know by the end of next week if he's gotten in during the first round. If he doesn't get in during the first round, the second round begins in February and lasts through August 31. Yep, it's possible that he could start kindergarten somewhere else in August, then get a spot at our top pick school. If that happens, I'd yank him out of that other school and put him in this one. I love this school!

I'll be very anxious when I press "play" on the answering machine each night next week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Finding the best school, the one that feels right, isn't easy and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that he'll be able to get in on the first round.